ClearMirror is the industry leader in fog-free mirror technology for over fifteen years. Installed flush with the tile, Shower ClearMirror is the solution many of your clients want and need for shaving in the shower. No more cheap plastic mirrors that just fall off the wall and ruin the look of the tile or marble shower design. We use only the highest-quality, 1/4″ thick mirror with our patented low-voltage heating technology for a fog-free mirror that always works and looks great!

Our products are made in the USA and backed with a 5-year warranty.
And because we build locally it is easy for us to create custom shapes and sizes for your vanity or shower application..

Shower ClearMirror for
Luxury Bath Designs

Add some style to your morning routine. Shower ClearMirror is fast becoming the ultimate shower amenity. The fog-free mirror installs flush with the tile for a seamless look to meet the most discerning styles.

Enhance the shower experience.

Contributor - ClearMirror

About ClearMirror

ClearMirror specializes in fog-free and LED lighted shower and vanity mirrors. Manufacturer of fog-free bathroom mirror products including the Original, and Shower, and ShowerLite ClearMirrors. Heated mirror pads that keep your bathroom mirrors from fogging up.

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Shower Mirrors

Add some style to your morning routine. ShowerLite and Shower ClearMirror are fast becoming the ultimate shower amenity. The fog-free mirror installs flush with the tile for a seamless look to meet the most discerning styles.

About clearmirror

Our ClearMirror Story

The fog on a mirror is the condensation of water vapor as it touches a colder surface. That's okay if you are trying to make ice cubes, but hey brother, we want to shave. Fog - bad!

In 1998 we thought, hmm, what if we heated the mirror, not with a hairdryer but from behind with a thin heater. That's what we did. The mirror is heated by hot dry air, and then the condensation says, "I'm moving on" and lands haplessly somewhere else. The dew point of the mirror is higher than the heated water droplets. Thousands of units later, we've been making men and women from around the world more beautiful and helping them get out of the bathroom faster.

Homeowners, hotels, and spas around the country have installed ClearMirror for a luxurious, clear, fog-free reflection in their showers and vanities. Shana Johnson, the general manager at the Regency Lodge Hotel in Omaha, Neb., said hotel guests have swooned over the ClearMirror experience since the hotel installed Original ClearMirrors in all 146 rooms as part of a multi-million-dollar remodel.  

“The guests love the fact that no matter how steamy the bathroom is, they can see into the mirror as soon as they get out of the shower,” Johnson said. “I get the most compliments when there are four people in a guest room and they don’t have to wait for the bathroom to defog between showers. Guests frequently tell me they want to purchase one.”

After this many years, we've heard it all, and we have designed every custom application you could imagine. I guess that's why we are often simply referred to as the "Clear Mirror Guys", works for us...

- We'd like to hear your story, The ClearMirror Guys